Feature - The OH Files on Tristan Taormino's SEX OUT LOUD Podcast! / by Sarah A.O. Rosner

This week's show features filmmaker and radical artist Sarah A.O. Rosner. Rosner founded AORTA films in 2015, a production company dedicated to making queer/feminist porn for our impending post-human future. Joining with a filmmaker (who wishes to remain anonymous) 5 burgeoning performers (Parts Authority, Ginny Woolf, Xposed Brick, Erykah Ohms, and Toxic Shock), musician Ashur Rayis, and editor Jacqueline Mary, Rosner conceived and directed AORTA films' first feature, "The OH Files". AORTA films is dedicated to creating experimental, lusty, heartfelt work, and excited to pursue future projects after this first foray into the world of pornography.

Listen to the full podcast above, or find it on Tristan Taormino's site here.